pre-print (pre-refereeing); post-print (final draft post-refereeing)
Working Papers
- K. Parginos, R.J. Bessa, S. Camal, G. Kariniotakis, "Interpretable artificial intelligent evolved policies for renewable energy trading," working paper, 2025.
- C. Silva, R.J. Bessa, "Carbon-aware dynamic tariff design for electric vehicle charging stations with stochastic optimization," working paper, 2024.
In Press
- F. Fernandes, R.J. Bessa, J.A. Peças Lopes, "Evolving symbolic models applied to converted-dominated isolated power systems," Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, in Press, 2025.
- C. Gonçalves, R.J. Bessa, T. Teixeira, J. Vinagre, "Bid-constrained collaborative forecasting applied to the renewable energy sector," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, In Press, 2025. [pre-print]
- K. Parginos, M. Tyrovolas, R. J. Bessa, X. San Liang, C. Stylios, S. Camal, G. Kariniotakis, "Interpretable power grid overload detection with information flow-based fuzzy cognitive maps," CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, In Press, 2025.
- C. Silva, R. Vilaça, A. Pereira, R.J. Bessa, "A review on the decarbonization of high-performance computing centers," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 189, part B, pp. 114019, Jan. 2024. [open-access]
- R.J. Bessa, F. Moaidi, J. Viana, J.R. Andrade, "Uncertainty-aware procurement of flexibilities for electrical grid operational planning," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 789-802, Apr. 2024. [post-print]
- E. Kazemi-Robati, B. Silva, R.J. Bessa, "Stochastic optimization framework for hybridization of existing offshore wind farms with wave energy and floating PV systems," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 454, pp. 142215, May 2024.
- V. Campos, O. Klyagina, J.R. Andrade, R.J. Bessa, C. Gouveia, "ML-assistant for human operators using alarm data to solve and classify faults in electrical grids," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 236, pp. 110886, Nov. 2024.
- J. Mello, J. Villar, R. J. Bessa, A. Rita Antunes, M. Sequeira, "Decarbonized and inclusive energy: a two-fold strategy for Renewable Energy Communities," IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 22, no. 4, July-Aug. 2024. [post-print]
- A. Rabiee, R.J. Bessa, J. Sumaili, A. Keane, A. Soroudi, "Exploiting the determinant factors on the available flexibility area of ADN's at TSO-DSO Interface,'' IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 18, no. 14, pp. 2455-2467, Oct. 2024.
- C.A. Silva, R.J. Bessa, J.R. Andrade, F.A. Coelho, R.B. Costa, C. Damas Silva, G. Vlachodimitropoulos, D. Stavropoulos, S. Chadoulos, D. Rua, "Enhancing the European power System resilience with a recommendation system for voluntary demand response," iScience, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 111430, Dec. 2024.
- H.F. Hamann, T. Brunschwiler, B. Gjorgiev, L.S. Martins, A. Puech, A. Varbella, J. Weiss, J. Bernabe-Moreno, A. Blondin Massé, S. Choi, I. Foster, Bri-Mathias Hodge, R. Jain, K. Kim, V. Mai, F. Mirallès, M. De Montigny, O. Ramos-Leaños, H. Suprême, Le Xie, El-Nasser S. Youssef, A. Zinflou, A. J. Belvi, R.J. Bessa, B. Prasad Bhattari, J. Schmude, S. Sobolevsky, "A perspective on foundation models for the electric power grid," Joule, vol. 8(12), pp. 3245-3258, Dec. 2024. [online]
- F. Heymann, K. Parginos, R.J. Bessa, M. Galus, "Operating AI systems in the electricity sector under European's AI Act - Insights on compliance costs, profitability frontiers and extraterritorial effects," Energy Reports, vol. 10, pp. 4538-4555, Nov. 2023. [open-access]
- K. Ganesan, J. Tomé Saraiva, R. J. Bessa, "Functional model of residential consumption elasticity under dynamic tariffs," Energy and Buildings, vol. 255, pp. 111663, January 2022. [post-print] [published version]
- F. Heymann, R.J. Bessa, K. Parginos, J. Martin Hinojar, M. Liebensteiner, P. Duenas, "Scarcity events analysis in adequacy studies using CN2 rule mining," Energy and AI, vol. 8, pp. 100154, May 2022.
- R.J. Bessa, P. Pinson, G. Kariniotakis, D. Srinivasan, C. Smith, N. Amjady, H. Zareipour, "Guest editorial for the special section on advances in renewable energy forecasting: predictability, business models and applications in the power industry," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1166-1168, April 2022.
- F. Petropoulos, D. Apiletti, V. Assimakopoulos, M.Z. Babai, D.K. Barrow, C. Bergmeir, R.J. Bessa, et al., "Forecasting: theory and practice," International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 705-871, July-September 2022. [pre-print]
- Corinna Möhrlen, R.J. Bessa, N. Fleischhut, "A decision-making experiment under wind power forecast uncertainty," Meteorological Applications, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. e2077, May/June 2022. [online]
- G. Sampaio, R.J. Bessa, C. Gonçalves, C. Gouveia, "Conditional parametric model for sensitivity factors in LV grids: A privacy-preserving approach," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 211, pp. 108316, Oct. 2022.
- J.R. Andrade, C. Rocha, R. Silva, J. P. Viana, R.J. Bessa, C. Gouveia, B. Almeida, R.J. Santos, M. Louro, P. M. Santos, A. F. Ribeiro, "Data-driven anomaly detection and event log profiling of SCADA alarms," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 73758-73773, 2022. [online]
- C. Gonçalves, L. Cavalcante, M. Brito, R.J. Bessa and J. Gama, "Forecasting conditional extreme quantiles for wind energy," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 190, pp. 106636, Jan. 2021.
- A. Coronati, J.R. Andrade, R.J. Bessa, "A deep learning method for forecasting residual market curves," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 190, pp. 106756, Jan. 2021.
- C. Gonçalves, R.J. Bessa, P. Pinson, "A critical overview of privacy-preserving approaches for collaborative forecasting," International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 322-342, Jan-Mar 2021. [post-print]
- C. Gonçalves, P. Pinson, R.J. Bessa, "Towards data markets in renewable energy forecasting", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 533-542, Jan. 2021. [post-print] [published version]
- C. Gonçalves, R.J. Bessa, P. Pinson, "Privacy-preserving distributed learning for renewable energy forecasting," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1777-1787, July 2021. [post-print]
- S. Potenciano Menci, R.J. Bessa, B. Herndler, C. Korner, B. Rao, F. Leimgruber, A. Madureira, D. Rua, F. Coelho, J. Silva, J.R. Andrade, G. Sampaio, H. Teixeira, M. Simões, J. Viana, L. Oliveira, D. Castro, U. Krisper, R. André, "Functional Scalability and Replicability Analysis for Smart Grid Functions: The InteGrid Project Approach," Energies, vol. 14, no. 18, pp. 5685, 2021. [online]
- L. Dias, M. Ribeiro, A. Leitão, L. Guimarães, R.J. Bessa, L. Carvalho, and M.A. Matos, "An unsupervised approach for fault diagnosis of power transformers," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 2834-2852, Oct. 2021.
- J. Fox, E. Ela, B. Hobbs, J. Sharp, J. Novacheck, A. Motley, R.J. Bessa, P. Pinson, G. Kariniotakis, "Forecasting and market design advances: Supporting an increasing share of renewable energy," IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 77-85, Nov.-Dec. 2021.
- R.B. Pinto, R.J. Bessa, J. Sumaili, M.A. Matos, "Distributed multi-period three-phase optimal power flow using temporal neighbors," Electric Power Systems Research, vol.182, pp. 106228, May 2020.
- C. Sweeney, R.J. Bessa, J. Browell, P. Pinson, "The future of forecasting for renewable energy," Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, vol. 9, no. 2, March/April 2020.
- T. Soares, L. Carvalho, H. Morais, R.J. Bessa, T. Abreu, E. Lambert, "Reactive power provision by the DSO to the TSO considering renewable energy sources uncertainty," Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, vol. 22, pp. 100333, June 2020.
- J. Peças Lopes, A.G. Madureira, M.A. Matos, R.J. Bessa, V. Monteiro, J. Afonso, S. Santos, J.P. Catalão, C. Antunes, P. Magalhães, "The future of power systems: challenges, trends and upcoming paradigms,'' Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, vol. 9, no. 3, May/June 2020.
- R. Dupin, L. Cavalcante, R.J. Bessa, G. Kariniotakis, A. Michiorri, "Dynamic line rating forecasts – Advanced modelling of extreme quantiles and impact on forecast value," Energies, vol. 13, no. 12, pp.3090, Jun. 2020.
- M. Brégère, R. J. Bessa, "Simulating tariff impact in electrical energy consumption profiles with conditional variational autoencoders," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 131949-131966, July 2020. [open-access]
- M. Kezunovic, P. Pinson, Z. Obradovic, S. Grijalva, T. Hong, R. J. Bessa, "Big data analytics in the electricity grids of the future," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 189, pp. 106788, Dec. 2020.
- V. Miranda, P. Cardoso, R.J. Bessa, I. Decker, "Through the looking glass: seeing events in power systems dynamics," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 106, pp. 411-419, March 2019.
- Tiago Soares, R.J. Bessa, "Proactive management of distribution grids with chance-constrained linearized AC OPF," International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 109, pp. 332-342, July 2019.
- J. Filipe, R.J. Bessa, C. Moreira, B. Silva, "Optimal bidding strategy for variable speed pump storage in day-ahead and frequency restoration reserve markets," Energy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 273–297, May 2019.
- J. Filipe, R.J. Bessa, M. Reis, R. Alves, P. Póvoa, "Data-driven predictive energy optimization in a wastewater pumping station," Applied Energy, vol. 252, pp. 113423, Oct. 2019. [post-print]
- K. Ganesan, J. Tomé Saraiva, Ricardo J. Bessa, "On the use of causality inference in designing tariffs to implement more effective behavioral demand response programs", Energies, vol. 12, no. 14, pp. 2666, July 2019. [online]
- T. Soares, R.J. Bessa, P. Pinson, H. Morais, "Active distribution grid management based on robust AC optimal power flow," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no.6, pp. 6229-6241, Nov. 2018. [online]
- J. Villar, R.J. Bessa, M.A. Matos, "Flexibility products and markets: literature review," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 154, pp. 329-340, Jan. 2018.
- J. Silva, J. Sumaili, R.J. Bessa, L. Seca, M.A. Matos, V. Miranda, "The challenges of estimating the impact of distributed energy resources flexibility on the TSO/DSO boundary node operating points," Computers & Operations Research, vol. 96, pp. 294-304, Aug. 2018.
- J. Silva, J. Sumaili, R.J. Bessa, L. Seca, M.A. Matos, V. Miranda, M. Sebastian-Viana, M. Caujolle, B. Goncer-Maraver, "Estimating the active and reactive power flexibility area in the TSO-DSO interface," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no.5, pp. 4741-4750, Sept. 2018.
- L. Cavalcante, R. J. Bessa, M. Reis, J. Dowell, "LASSO vector autoregression structures for very short-term wind power forecasting," Wind Energy, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 657-675, April 2017. [pre-print] [published paper]
- R.J. Bessa, C. Möhrlen, V. Fundel, M. Siefert, J. Browell, S. Haglund El Gaidi, Bri-Mathias Hodge, U. Cali, and G. Kariniotakis, "Towards improved understanding of the applicability of uncertainty forecasts in the electric power industry," Energies, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1402, 2017. [published paper]
- J.R. Andrade, R.J. Bessa, "Improving renewable energy forecasting with a grid of numerical weather predictions", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1571-1580, Oct. 2017. [online]
- J. Dobschinski, R.J. Bessa, P. Du, K. Geisler, S. Ellen Haupt, M. Lange, C. Möhrlen, D. Nakafuji, M. de la Torre Rodriguez, "Uncertainty forecasting in a nutshell: prediction models designed to prevent significant errors," IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 15, no. 6, Oct./Dec. 2017.
- J.R. Andrade, J.M. Filipe, M. Reis, R.J. Bessa, "Probabilistic price forecasting for day-ahead and intraday markets: Beyond the statistical model," Sustainability, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1990, 2017. [online]
- R.B. Pinto, R.J. Bessa, M.A. Matos, "Multi-period flexibility forecast for low voltage prosumers," Energy, vol. 141, pp. 2251-2263, Dec. 2017. [arXiv:1703.08825]
- C. Gallego-Castillo, R.J. Bessa, L. Cavalcante, O. Lopez-Garcia, "On-line quantile regression in the RKHS (Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space) for operational probabilistic forecasting of wind power," Energy, vol. 113, pp. 355-365, Oct. 2016.
- R.J. Bessa, A. Trindade, V. Miranda, "Spatial–temporal solar power forecasting for Smart Grids," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 232-241, Feb. 2015. [open access]
- R.J. Bessa, A. Trindade, C.S. Silva and V. Miranda, "Probabilistic solar power forecasting in smart grids using distributed information," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 72, pp. 16-23, Nov. 2015. [published paper]
- R.J. Bessa, M.A. Matos, "Optimization models for an EV aggregator selling secondary reserve in the electricity market," Electric Power Systems Research, vol.106, pp.36-50, January 2014. [post-print] [published paper]
- R.J. Bessa, C.L. Moreira, B. Silva, M.A. Matos, "Handling renewable energy variability and uncertainty in power systems operation," Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 156–178, March/April 2014. [online paper]
- E.D. Castronuovo, J. Usaola, R.J. Bessa, M.A. Matos, I.C. Costa, L. Bremermann, J. Lugaro, G. Kariniotakis “An integrated approach for optimal coordination between wind power and hydro pumping storage,” Wind Energy, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 829-852, June 2014. [published paper]
- R.J. Bessa and M.A. Matos, "Optimization models for EV aggregator participation in a manual reserve market," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 3085-3095, August 2013. [post-print] [published paper]
- Z. Zhou, A. Botterud, J. Wang, R.J. Bessa, H. Keko, J. Sumaili, V. Miranda, “Application of probabilistic wind power forecasting in electricity markets,” Wind Energy, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 321-477, April 2013. [published paper]
- R.J. Bessa and M.A. Matos “Global against divided optimization for the participation of an EV aggregator in the day-ahead electricity market. Part I: theory,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 95, pp. 309-318, Feb. 2013. [published paper] [post-print]
- R.J. Bessa and M.A. Matos “Global against divided optimization for the participation of an EV aggregator in the day-ahead electricity market. Part II: numerical analysis,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 95, pp. 319-329, 2013. [published paper] [post-print]
- A. Botterud, Z. Zhou, J.Wang, J. Sumaili, H. Keko, J.Mendes, R.J. Bessa, and V. Miranda, “Demand dispatch and probabilistic wind power forecasting in unit commitment and economic dispatch: a case study of Illinois,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 250-261, Jan. 2013. [online paper]
- R.J. Bessa, M.A. Matos, I.C. Costa, L. Bremermann, I.G. Franchin, R. Pestana, N. Machado, H-P. Waldl, and C. Wichmann, “Reserve setting and steady-state security assessment using wind power uncertainty forecast: a case study,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 3(4), pp. 827-837, Oct. 2012. [published paper] [post-print]
- H. Holttinen, M. Milligan, E. Ela, N. Menemenlis, J. Dobschinski, B. Rawn, R.J. Bessa, D. Flynn, E.G. Lazaro, N. Detlefsen, “Methodologies to determine operating reserves due to increased wind power,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 3(4), pp. 713-723, Oct. 2012. [published paper]
- R.J. Bessa, V. Miranda, A. Botterud, J. Wang, and Emil M. Constantinescu, “Time adaptive conditional kernel density estimation for wind power forecasting,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 3(4), pp. 660-669, Oct. 2012. [published paper] [post-print]
- R. Bessa and Manuel A. Matos, “Economic and technical management of an electric vehicles aggregation agent: a literature survey,” European Transactions on Electrical Power, vol. 22(3), pp. 334-350, April, 2012. [published paper] [pre-print]
- R. Bessa, Manuel A. Matos, F.J. Soares, J.A. Peças Lopes, “Optimized bidding of a EV aggregation agent in the electricity market,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 3(1), pp.443-452, Mar. 2012. [published paper] [post-print]
- R.J. Bessa, V. Miranda, A. Botterud, Z. Zhou, J. Wang, “Time-adaptive quantile-copula for wind power probabilistic forecasting,” Renewable Energy, vol. 40(1), pp. 29-39, April 2012. [published paper] [post-print]
- A. Botterud, J. Wang, Z. Zhou, R.J. Bessa, H. Keko, J.S. Akilimali, V. Miranda, “Wind power trading under uncertainty in LMP markets,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27(2), pp. 894-903, May 2012. [published paper]
- Manuel A. Matos, R. Bessa, “Setting the operating reserve using probabilistic wind power forecasts,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26(2), pp.594-603, May, 2011. [published paper] [post-print]
- R. Bessa, V. Miranda, A. Botterud, J. Wang, “Good or bad wind power forecasts: a relative concept,” Wind Energy, vol. 14(5), pp. 625-636, July 2011. [published paper]
- J. Wang, A. Botterud, R. Bessa, H. Keko,V. Miranda, J.S. Akilimali, L. Carvalho, D. Issicaba, “Wind power forecasting uncertainty and unit commitment,” Applied Energy, vol. 88(11), pp.4014-4023, Nov. 2011. [published paper]
- A. Botterud, J. Wang, R. Bessa, V. Miranda, “Wind power forecasting in U.S. electricity markets,” Electricity Journal, vol. 23(3), pp. 71-82, April 2010. [published paper]
- R. Bessa, V. Miranda and J. Gama, “Entropy and correntropy against minimum square error in offline and online three-day ahead wind power forecasting,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 24(4), pp. 1657-1666, November 2009. [published paper] [post-print]
- I. J. Ramirez-Rosado, L. A. Fernandez-Jimenez, C. Monteiro, J.N. Sousa, and R. Bessa, “Comparison of two new short-term wind power forecasting systems,” Renewable Energy, vol. 34(7), pp. 1848-1854, July 2009. [published paper]